Erlangen Hofmannstraße
For all students of FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and all universities in the area supervised by the Student Union Erlangen-Nuremberg
Hofmannstraße 27, 2nd floor
91052 Erlangen
Registration, appointments and further information can be obtained by calling the office of Ms Göbel and Ms Schmidl in Erlangen:
Rahmenbedingungen der Beratung / General conditions for counseling
Open counseling hours: |
Tuesday | 1:30 - 4:00 pm |
To ensure that a proper consultation can take place, please be on site by 3.30 pm at the latest. (Possible without pre-registration and naming names) |
Phone: | (+49 9131) 8002-750 |
Mon, Wed-Fri further Thu |
8.30 am - 12:00 pm 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm |
Latest news: |
You can come to our open counselling hours without prior appointment and, if you wish, without giving your name. Please be aware that you may have to wait. If you are acutely ill, please do not come to the Counselling Service in person - in this case, please contact us by telephone. Regular psychological counselling sessions beyond the open counselling hours can be conducted as telephone appointments, video counselling or in person on site by prior appointment. Counselling is also available in English. |
Additional offers of the faculties (FAU):
Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie / Faculty of Philosophy and Department of Theology
Exclusively for students of the above mentioned faculties
Tue, Wed & Fri: Hofmannstraße 27, 2nd floor
91052 Erlangen
Larissa Rung, Psychologin (M.Sc.) , Psychological Psychotherapist
Phone: (09131) 8002-750
Appointments: By e-mail.
For all requests that do not concern an appointment with our psychologists (e.g. inquiries about internships, unsolicited applications, press/media inquiries), please use the e-mail address
Rahmenbedingungen der Beratung / General conditions for counseling
Technische Fakultät / Faculty of Technology
Exclusively for students of the above mentioned faculty
Dipl.-Psychologin Elizabeth Provan-Klotz, M.A
Psychologische Psychotherapeutin
Erwin-Rommel-Str. 60
91058 Erlangen
Raum: U 1.251
Telephone: +49 9131 85-27935
Dr. Dominik Özbe-Schönfeld (M.Sc.)
Erwin-Rommel-Str. 60
91058 Erlangen
Raum: U 1.252
Telephone: +49 9131 85-27934
Making an appointment:
Via the registration form:
Rahmenbedingungen der Beratung / General conditions for counseling
Every Wednesday, 10:30 am-11:30 am, drop-in consultation per telephone, no appointment necessary and free of charge. Anonymous consultations are possible.
Open counseling hours: | |
Wednesday | 11.00 - 12.00 am |
(possible without pre-registration and naming names) |
Phone: | (09131) 8527935 & 09131 85-27934 |
Wednesday |
11:00 am - 12:00 |
E-Mail: | |
This e-mail address is solely for arranging appointments with our psychologist. For all other purposes (e.g., inquiries about internships, spontaneous or unsolicited applications, press/media inquiries), please use the following e-mail address Please note that an e-mail is not a secure medium of communication under data protection law. | |
Latest news: |
There is no Open Counseling from 14.08 to 10.09. If you are acutely ill, please do not come to the counselling centre in person - in this case, feel free to contact us by phone. The regular psychological counselling sessions outside of the Open Consultation Hours can be conducted as telephone appointments, video counselling or in person on site after prior appointment by telephone. For all concerns that do not involve an appointment with our psychologists (e.g. enquiries about internships, speculative applications, press/media enquiries), please use the email address |
Privacy and Confidentiality
The Counselling Psychological center will treat you and your concerns with absolute privacy. The therapist has a duty to maintain confidentiality.
Drop-in Consultation:
Students may call for a brief consultation to establish contact with the therapist and clarify if there is a need for further counselling or psychological aid.