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House of Students Insel Schütt
For all students of the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and all universities in the area supervised by the Studierendenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg.

1. OG
Room 1.315
Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1
90403 Nuremberg

Psychologist (M.Sc.) Beate Henneberg, Psychological Psychotherapist

For all matters that do not involve making an appointment with our psychologists (e.g. enquiries about internships, unsolicited applications, press/media enquiries), please use the email address

Rahmenbedingungen der Beratung / General conditions for counseling


Open counseling hours:
Thursday 11 am - 12 pm (by phone only)

(possible without pre-registration and naming names)

Phone: (+49 9131) 8002756
  Exclusively for making appointments. Please note that an e-mail is not a secure medium of communication under data protection law.
Latest News:

The open Counseling Hours on 5.9. and 12.9. are cancelled.

The Open Counseling Hour will be held as a telephone counseling until further notice. Psychological counseling can be conducted as telephone appointments or video counseling, as well as face-to-face appointments after prior registration and in compliance with hygiene precautions.

Additional offers of the faculties (FAU):

Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology

Exclusively for students of the above mentioned faculty

Campus Nürnberg
Room U1.033
Regensburger Str. 160
90478 Nuremberg

Psychologist (M.Sc.) Daniel Adam, systemic individual, couple and family therapist

Psychologist (M.Sc.) Melissa Salinas Rannenberg

Appointments: by e-mail.

Rahmenbedingungen der Beratung / General conditions for counseling

Open counseling hours:

In even calendar weeks: Tuesday 2 - 3 pm.
In odd calendar weeks: Wednesday 1 - 2 pm.


(possible without pre-registration and naming names)


0911 / 53 02 95 563


  Exclusively for making appointments. Please note that an e-mail is not a secure medium of communication under data protection law.
Aktuelle Meldungen:

Please note that the open telephone counseling hours will be cancelled until the start of the winter semester on 01.10.2024 due to construction work on site. Until then, please contact the above email address to arrange short-term contacts if necessary. Thank you for your understanding!

Please note: The office hours/dates have changed. In even calendar weeks on Tuesdays 2 - 3 pm. In odd calendar weeks Wednesdays 1 - 2 pm.


Offer at the Nuremberg Tech / Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm

Zimmer BM. 206
Dürrenhofstraße 6
90489 Nürnberg

Psychologist (M.Sc.) Christin Wolter

Appointments: By phone and e-mail.

Rahmenbedingungen der Beratung / General conditions for counseling

Phone:  (+49 911) 5880 2548
Open Counseling Hour:  
Wednesday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

  Exclusively for making appointments. Please note that an e-mail is not a secure medium of communication under data protection law.
Latest News:

The Open Counseling Hour will be held as a telephone counseling until further notice. Psychological counseling will take place, but can temporarily be attended and arranged exclusively as telephone appointments or video counseling.


Offer at the Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg

Veilhofstraße 34
Zimmer 2.01
90489 Nürnberg

Psychologist (M.Sc.) Melissa Salinas Rannenberg

Appointments: by E-Mail.

Rahmenbedingungen & Einwilligung der Psychosozialen Beratungsdienste

Open counseling hour:

Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 3 pm - 4 pm


  Exclusively for making appointments. Please note that an e-mail is not a secure medium of communication under data protection law.
Latest News:

Psychological counseling will take place, but can temporarily be attended and arranged exclusively as telephone appointments or video counseling.

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